A double-Logo SAP ?

Just a few notes on the SAP logo story today: After SAP’s soft launch of a new, golden logo at the end of October, german weekly Wirtschaftswoche reports today (Google translation into english is here) that internal resistance of SAP employees has brought the old logo back. (Update: Handelblatt now also reports on it, quoting an ‘internal employee survey’ and ‘Bill McDermott wanting the company to re-focus again on the actual business’).

Holger Mueller, VP & Principal Analyst of Constellation Research tweeted this about the logo-backflip:


There are many angles on this topic: cost, vision, culture. However, it might just show that SAP’s employees saw themselves confronted with (too) many changes in recent years. A new logo might have taken this too far for some.

Bringing back the blue logo resembles the “Piece de Resitance” for many of them. You could see it as ‘heritage’.

Having said that, for top management it’s potentially easier and more cost effective to keep things as they are and focus instead on customer-relevant changes. Which is precisely what SAP (blue or orange) now does.



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