Come and see me at SAP Insider Events in 2015


I was recently invited to speak at two of SAP Insider’s conferences entitled “Modern Skills For ABAP Developers”, a great opportunity to talk about two topics close to my heart: SAP Enhancements and Quality Assurance in SAP Implementation Projects. I will also join other experts for an exciting Rapid-Fire-Question-and-Answer panel. Here are some of the topics covered during this 3 day event (click here for full agenda):

SAP ABAP experts will provide key lessons to:

Keep your ABAP skills up-to-date, ensuring that you remain valuable to your employer and relevant in the job market

Reduce code complexity and streamline the development process with little-known features of SAP NetWeaver® AS and Object-Oriented ABAP

Get up-to-speed on ABAP for SAP HANA®, which is different than traditional ABAP

Evaluate the various tools for web-enabling your system, like Web Dynpro ABAP and SAPUI5

Better communicate with business users

Compare the latest project methodologies, their value, and their tradeoffs, and select which is best suited to your organization

Increase your SAP ABAP IQ with field-tested techniques your company can implement right away upon your return to the office


This is a great, relevant and wide range of interesting topics, which should give attendants an update on the latest tools, techniques and provide real-world experiences. Make sure you mark the dates for Las Vegas (17.-19.11.2015) and Amsterdam (7.-9.12.2015) in your calendar. It would be great to meet you there!

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